Public Transport
Adelaide is well served by the Adelaide Metro bus, tram and train network.
South Australian Seniors Card members can travel free at any time, and eligible interstate seniors can access free and/or discounted travel.
Learn more about options for seniors here.
Closest stop to the SA Athletics Stadium is Stop 1 Sir Donald Bradman Drive – Bus Route 245 & 248
When checking timetables remember you need to use the Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday schedules.
Click on the image below to access further information about the various public transport options available.
Airport Shuttle
Taxi Transport
Adelaide has three major taxi companies. Note: If the driver is unable to find SA Athletics Stadium suggest they search for Santos Stadium
From the centre of Adelaide (Victoria Square) it is an easy walk to all venues.
SA Athletics Stadium is a 2.5km walk. (34 minutes)
Road Walk venue is a 1km walk (15 minutes)
Cross Country venue is a 1.3km walk (19 minutes)
Times and distances provided by Google Maps.

There are two companies that offer e-scooters in Adelaide. They are only available in the City of Adelaide and North Adelaide. The SA Athletics Stadium is outside the defined operation area.
To ride an e-scooter you will need to be at least 18 years old. Not an issue for competitors but may impact traveling companions.
Simply download the Beam or Neuron app to your mobile device and then create an account, which includes payment details.
As part of the account set-up you’ll receive information about responsible riding and public safety while operating and riding the scooters.
When you’re ready, use the app to locate and unlock e-scooters.
Click HERE to access a map showing the defined operation area.